Antje Feger /
Benjamin F. Stumpf

Kabin, installation, mixed media, 2011, KABIN, Tophane-I-Amire, Istanbul,
Kabin, installation, mixed media, 2011, KABIN, Tophane-I-Amire, Istanbul,
Kabin, installation, mixed media, 2011, KABIN, Tophane-I-Amire, Istanbul,
Kabin, installation, mixed media, 2011, KABIN, Tophane-I-Amire, Istanbul,
Kabin, installation, mixed media, 2011, KABIN, Tophane-I-Amire, Istanbul,

Tophane-I-Amire, Istanbul, 2011

Installation in public space (about 2,00 m x 3,00 m x 3,00 m), mixed media,
timber, wheels, metal, paint, doors, screen, cardboard, wallpaper, fabric, carpet, seat, projector, media player, speakers

KABIN is a mobile installation with the basic measurements of a car and a small screening space inside. For 12 days it was placed on a rented parking lot next to the main street in Tophane, Istanbul. Video works by 17 international artists were shown inside. The videos shifted between nature and civilization and showed different aspects of the relationship between human beings, city and nature. The project KABIN as whole dealt with urban questions such as transformation processes and the handling of nature within the

Featured artists in the screening program:

Reynold Reynolds (Berlin) / Patrick Jolley (Dublin), Dani Leventhal (New York), Hege Dons Samset (Oslo/
Berlin), Matthias Meyer (Hamburg), Timothée Huguet (Bordeaux/ Istanbul), Christian Mayer (Vienna),
Angelika Waniek (Leipzig), Josephin Böttger (Hamburg), André Tasso Simões (Lisbon), Antje Feger /
Benjamin F. Stumpf (Hamburg/ Kiel), Katinka Theis / Immo Eyser (Berlin), Ralf Weißleder / Florian Hüttner
(Hamburg), Michael Gülzow (Vienna)

The project was supported by the Kulturstiftung-Schleswig-Holstein, the Tophane-i Amire Culture & Arts Center, Istanbul, Turkey and the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design.